Remix Vite is now stable. Remix offers an alternative to Next.js for building SSR apps in React. It follows an ethos of Using the Platform. In brief, this means picking web standard forms over custom JavaScript alternatives where possible, for example. The philosophy and the Remix route-based design can lead to faster websites, especially when combined with caching and other optimizations.
Remix was originally built around Express server, and it felt slow, compared to running React in Astro or a custom Vite app. With Remix Vite in development for some months now, it’s exciting to see a stable release. Looking forward to seeing the speed and portability expected from modern tooling.
The new release arrives with Remix support for Cloudflare and Netlify Remix Vite deploys. Don’t forget, you also now have access to the Vite plugin ecosystem from your Remix app too!
I started writing content on both C++ and Rust Game Dev, documenting my learning experience. I have completed the Hands-on Rust book by Herbert Wolverson, building a Flappy-bird inspired game and a 2D Dungeon crawler. In parallel, I have also been exploring the Modern C++ Game Dev scene, trying out Raylib and Unreal Engine. Those, and a host of C++ tooling and libraries!
Excited to receive some fantastic feedback on these posts. Here is a selection, in case you missed them.
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Hope there was something valuable in here for you. As always, reach out with feedback. Here are some links to recent content, which I hope you will find useful: