Shiki is a code syntax highlighter, an alternative to PrismJS. It uses TextMate grammar and themes, making it compatible with VS Code themes. Anthony Fu forked Shiki last year, to add ESM support. Anthony is the developer behind Icônes, Slidev and more as well as core team member of Vue and Vite. Anyway, his changes just got merged back into Shiki.
The changes streamline adding language grammars for highlighting, removing the need to fetch assets from CDNs. Some Node API use has also been removed, allowing the latest version to run in Cloudflare Workers. Now you can have on-the-fly highlighting middleware, as an example.
Astro has a Shiki plugin, and I wrote a post on using Shiki with SvelteKit. Here are links to those resources:
I wrote a post last year on trying out Leptos, a full-stack Rust web framework with fine-grained reactivity. I still get feedback on the article, created after writing a link-tree site using it with Axum and deploying on Deno deploy.
Leptos 0.6 was recently released, with support for the new Axum 0.7 APIs. I will write up something on this and possibly hosting on Shuttle (plays well with Axum, and recently also got first-class Axum 0.7 support), when I find the time. Please keep the feedback coming in the meantime, though!
Hope there was something valuable in here for you. As always, reach out with feedback. Here are some links to recent content, which I hope you will find useful: